Download the sources for GIMP and GTK+ (go for the bundle).
Grab all of the .def files from the GIMP source tree, and grab all of the compiled DLLs from your GIMP install, and put them into the same folder. Rename the defs to match the DLLs (e.g. gimp.def to libgimp-2.0-0.def). To build a plug-in with UI you will need at least these:
Libs for glib, gobject and gtk-win32 can be found ready-made in the GTK source tree.
Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt and run this command for each def: lib /def:whatever.def /out:whatever.lib /machine:x86. This will generate static libraries that you can link against.
Create an empty VS project. Add a CPP file and change its extension to just C.
Drag all of your libs onto the Solution Explorer, or add them by hand through Linker properties.
Unless I've forgotten something you can now build a Windows plug-in. Just bear in mind that you're writing C code, which has some limitations compared to C++ (like requiring variables to be declared at the top of code blocks). In theory C++ can be used, but I never worked out how to solve the errors trying to compile CPP files creates.
Debugging isn't straightforward because you are compiling separate executables, which the VS debugger won't catch when GIMP launches them. If you have Visual Studio you can use the just-in-time debugger, but if you've got C++ Express you don't have that luxury. I've found that the best solution is this:
Start your plug-in, use Attach to Process, pause execution, then drag the yellow arrow out of the loop manually. You may need to add _DEBUG to your preprocessor definitions manually too (in Debug mode only, as this trick won't work in Release builds).
GIMP is an open source graphics editor available for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. Many of its features are modeled after commercial graphics software such as Adobe Photoshop such as the magic wand and layers window. GIMP is designed primarily for editing and touch up purposes, and can perform simple tasks such as image resizing. DPI (dots per inch) is a measure of an image's resolution and can be adjusted through image resizing in GIMP.Have a question? Get an answer from online tech support now!
Open GIMP. Load your image by selecting "File" from the top menu then "Open." Browse to your image and select "Ok."
Select "Image" from the top menu, then "Image Scale." This will open the Scale Image dialogue. The size of your image will be listed at the top of the window in inches or pixels. Below this will be your "X Resolution" and "Y Resolution" both of which should be the same number. This is measured in "pixels/in." which is another way of saying dpi.
Enter a new value into the "X Resolution" textbox, This will automatically change the "Y Resolution" as well. The higher the dpi, the better the quality, but also the larger the file size. After about 300 dpi, an increase will hardly be discerned by the human eye.
Click on the chain icon between X Resolution and Y Resolution in order to have different resolutions horizontally and vertically. The "X Resolution" box designates the horizontal dpi value and the "Y Resolution" designates the vertical dpi value.
Click "Scale" to complete the task. Your GIMP window will automatically resize to accommodate the new resolution.