
svn directory 'tmp/.svn' containing working copy admin area is missing

예쁜꽃이피었으면 2014. 12. 30. 15:22

svn directory 'tmp/.svn' containing working copy admin area is missing


svn: Directory .svn containing working copy admin area is missing

The Problem

svn: Directory .svn containing working copy admin area is missing


You have accidentally deleted .svn folder.


Option #1 Checkout the whole project again
svn co http://yoursvn/project/trunk delme

Option #2 Checkout only specific folder from project
svn co http://yoursvn/project/trunk/data/ delme
mv delme/.svn /local/path/project/data/

Note: 'delme' is a folder that you'll want to delete later after your SVN folder is fixed. This is where the files are being checked out
