
svn: PROPFIND request failed on

예쁜꽃이피었으면 2015. 6. 2. 11:05
에러 1

SVN: 'Checkout As' operation finished with error

Selected resource is not checked out.

svn: connection refused by the server

svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/프로젝트명'

에러 2

svn: connection refused by the server svn: OPTIONS ..

에러 3

SVN: 'Checkout As' operation finished with error

Selected resource is not checked out.

RA layer request failed

svn: OPTIONS of 'https://서버주소/svn/프로젝트명': could not connect to server (https://서버주소)

바쁜데.. svn말썽.. 

많이 나오는 답변이 

이클립스 - window - preferences에서

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해결 하셨다는 말 같은데.. 도통 무슨 말인지..모르겠다. ㅜㅠ

서버주소 틀림.

변경됐는데 생각못했었음.
