
mysql datetime형식을 mfc에서 cstring으로 변환

예쁜꽃이피었으면 2015. 7. 16. 15:14

검색어 : afxmessagebox format ,date



I don't know for sure if I am asking the correct question. Following setup: dialog based MFC application, which connects with a second application via a COM interface.

Say I have defined via the COM interface an Object called item.

I can access several properties of item (price, date, name etc....). For example using item->price (returns float) .

If I get an integer, float, or string I know how to convert to CString to do an output via AfxMessageBox().

But what is returned if I do item->date and how can i display it using a CString (for AfxMessageBox)? Unfortunately the documentation of the com server doesn't say anything. Is there some canonical answer?

There is some type DATE I found via google and I tried the following




but AfxMessageBox(d); doesn't compile.

I have found some examples for this com server, unfortunately in C#, there the command ToString() is used to convert every property of item.

What can I do? 

Sam - See more at: https://www.gidforums.com/t-17865.html#sthash.9FJInPIz.dpuf


thank you for answer. 

COleDateTime codt(item->date);

seems to works. Since I can't use cout I format it to a Cstring:

CString str = codt.Format();

Then I display it with AfxMessageBox(str);


Thx again - See more at: https://www.gidforums.com/t-17865.html#sthash.9FJInPIz.dpuf

mysql 의 date형식의 데이터를 가져와서

mfc에 list control에 보여주기

COleDateTime codt(m_pSet->m_date);

CString str = codt.Format();


m_List.SetItemText(0, 1, str);

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