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참고사이트 - 공부 2

예쁜꽃이피었으면 2014. 9. 17. 09:41

프로그래밍 QnA | KLDP

XE 포럼 - XpressEngine


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Java를 즐긴다 (5) - Java에 PHP.. : 네이버블로그

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CodeGuru - Microsoft developers related ideas, articles, tips, tricks, comments, downloads, and so much more related to programming in areas including C++, Visual C++, C#, Visual Basic, .NET Framework, and more

Google Project Hosting

The Open Source Initiative | Open Source Initiative

JavaScriptSource.com - Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code, Reference, Resources, And Help

The GNU General Public License v3.0 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation

Nokia Open Source/ - Nokia Developer Wiki



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Developer.com: Your Home for Java and Open Source Development Knowledge - BREW

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SourceForge - Download, Develop and Publish Free Open Source Software

CodePlex Information and Discussion - Documentation


Welcome to Freecode – Freecode

Programmers Heaven - Resources for Developers
